Welcome back😍 How are you? 👋Vamos a ver las partes del cuerpo para retomar las actividades. 😉
Let´s go!😀
Body = cuerpo Look!👀

Parts of the head.
Head = cabeza👶
1- Look and choose https://agendaweb.org/exercises/vocabulary/body/body-head
Parts of the face.
Face = cara
2- Look and choose (miramos y elegimos)
Parts of the body🚶
3- Look and match
HOW MANY?= Cuantos hay?
4- Write🖍
Show words: muestra las palabras
Look at the Monsters!!!
I have got six legs!!😱
Look at the video

5- Choose 😉
6- Read 📖and choose A. B, C or D.😊
7- Read 📖and match (leemos y unimos)😌
Love 💕
Miss Paula😘
Las últimas actividades las pueden mandar directo de la página.